About Edgeware Productions
Edgeware Productions was founded in 1990
and has produced plays and educational
performances in Alaska, Arizona and
throughout the contiguous United States and
in several European countries. Productions
by the artists associated with Edgeware
Productions have received critical and
popular acclaim and many have won
regional awards for excellence. The
educational productions have toured to
schools throughout Alaska, and Edgeware's
educational workshops have brought
Shakespeare and live theatre into remote
classrooms. Managed by David Edgecombe
and Elizabeth Ware, this company has
proven to be a respected addition to both
Alaska and Arizona performing arts
Elizabeth Ware and Paul Schweigert perform in Edgeware's A War of Wills
Edgeware Productions
A Woman by Design
David and Elizabeth were on sabbatical
leave in the Southwest developing a play on
the life and times of architect Mary Colter. A
Woman by Design, premiered at La Posada
in Winslow, Arizona with another
performance at the Grand Canyon. A
Woman by Design is available for booking.
Contact us for information.

The Mary Colter Story
This seventy minute play is the poignant story of
a woman ahead of her time. Mary Elizabeth Jane
Colter was one of only a few female architects
working in America at the beginning of the
Twentieth Century. A Woman by Design
explores the trials of her ground-breaking career
as she works for the Fred Harvey Company to
design buildings throughout the Southwest. A
successful woman in a man's world, Mary was
the first to integrate Native American themes into
commercial architecture while popularizing Native
American arts and crafts. She set a style that is
continued today. Elizabeth Ware (left) plays this
colorful and revolutionary American figure. The
play is now touring and has received excellent
critical and popular reviews.